Symmetric supply
This circuit I designed and tested but eventually didn't really use because, again, a different solution was found. Although this circuit does not provide much current as op-amps aren't really the ideal source when you want power, it really just has to provide an accurate voltage and enough current for low-power signal applications. It can provide the voltage supply to another op-amp circuit, whos output can be amplified so as to get adequate output power for the intended application, if more power is needed.
Import data for Circuit Simulator
The reason I opted for this versus using a simple voltage divider, is because, considering the immense power output a battery can give, which was the intended power supply, if too much current was drawn from the supply, the resistors would burn up - and that's never a nice thing. When we did connect the batteries (which, if I remember correctly, where lead-acid at 7.2Ah/12V) a mistake on the board we made cause a massive current to run through the wires, making the insulation melt... so yeah, this circuit is intended to prevent that from happening by sacrificing the capability to draw much power.